Thursday, 17 July 2014

All Boyfriend Everything

Wide hips, a saggy ass, and big thighs; all the things us women have proudly sported from the moment we saw Katie Holmes casually strutting through the streets of NYC in Tom Cruise's jeans in 2009. It wasn't long after that stores like Zara and H&M became flooded with all things "boyfriend": shorts, pants, and even watches were commonplace on the streets of fashion capitals around the world. To this day it is widely acceptable, and some would go as far as to say trendy, to throw on your baggiest pair of boyfriend jeans, drape an oversized jacket over your shoulders, and post a picture on Instagram with the hashtag "OOTD"; maybe everyone won't love the style, but you know it's only a matter of time before they do. It wasn't 'til the other day when I found myself rummaging through dad's closet that I began to question this terribly unflattering trend. Could it be the underlying desire to have a relationship like the one Katie and Tom once had manifesting itself in my wardrobe? Or the desire to, at least, make it look like you did? Or maybe it was just an attempt to make the walk of shame look fashionable. Shortly thereafter it dawned on me: as women all over the world hunt relentlessly to obtain the much sought after Parisian style, we have found that overalls, white button downs, and a pair of lace-up stilettos do just that! All in all, after the five year (and going strong) companionship I have shared with my boyfriend jeans I have realized that they are about as reliable as any boyfriend can get; they're pretty simple in their demeanor, just a little damaged, and never too suffocating. 

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