Dear Watermelon, Sorry for Calling You Meghan Trainor:
Happy Tuesday! (that feels weird to say) Anyways, we here at Behind Clothed Doors totally get it; the whole avocado thing. We understand the power it gives, and the instant proclamation of physical fitness you make, the moment you post a picture of avo toast from any seemingly hipster cafe. But what ever happened to the terribly underrated watermelon? While the avocado is out steeling Beyonce’s spotlight, watermelon is withering away by side of say, Meghan Trainor. The watermelon has got some pretty wild health benefits to share with you; in fact, it might be wild enough to make you lose “All that bass.” I can’t tell if I regret saying that or not, but in any case here they are!
1: Promotes Heart Health: High levels of lycopene protect the cells in your body and prevent heart disease.
2. Hydration: Holy hell! Did you know that watermelon are made up for 92% water?!
3. Digestion: This red juicy cube (or whatever shape you take your melon) of deliciousness contains a pretty descent amount of fiber, aiding in digestion
4. Skin and Hair Health: 3 cheers to Vitamin A!
5. Reduces Muscle Soreness: Drink a glass of watermelon juice before your workout and we guarantee a more pleasant morning after experience.
6. Cancer Prevention: Can you say “Hell yeah antioxidants!”? Don’t, if you can.
So yeah, eat lots of watermelon this summer! Sorry for all the Meghan Trainor references.
Everything is Cuter as a Mini-Sandwich:
-Pancake Mix
-Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
-Cooking Spray
Cooking Instructions:
- Spray the skillet with ample cooking spray.
- Use the tablespoon to equally distribute the pancake mix on the skillet into small circles. Using a flat skillet will enable you to make several pancakes at once.
- Spread nutella on the underside of each pancake.
- Sandwich banana and strawberries in between the pancakes.
- Use toothpicks to hold the sandwiches in place
- Arrange the sandwiches on a plate and sprinkle chocolate syrup on top.
- Enjoy!
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