Tuesday 5 August 2014

Birkenstocks Have Feelings Too You Know

I am going to be completely honest when I say that Birkenstocks were nothing but a foreign shoe to me until my person (@Sofi) sported a pair. It wasn't long before I fell head over heels in love with the most hideous potato sack that should ever find itself confining my toes. I like to think that Birkenstocks are an addiction, and one that my great aunt hit long before I ever could. There's something about these bad boys that make me feel some sort of way, whether its channeling my inner retirement age or quite the opposite. About a month ago I was heavily confused as to why some of my favorite bloggers had approximately 10+ pairs, but right now I wouldn't have it any other way.

Monday 4 August 2014

An Art Piece A Day Keeps The Doctor Away

I like to make art every morning, and it hurts to miss a day...but my art is not like your art and I guess that's what makes it my art. I prefer to consider myself the canvas and none other than my own closet the tool box. I felt my self labeled "Frankenstein-I own the world booties" would look rather delightful paired with mix-matched patterns (do you blame me?) I hope you love today's art piece just as much as I do.

There is one thing that you and I have in common yet we do that thing so differently. For some, getting dressed in the morning is a drag, for others, it's simply an obligation, for me it's an opportunity to express myself. If the pink on pink wasn't obvious enough, I felt particularly girly today, or as Emma called it "blush princess-ey". Just like every little girls dream, throwing on all pink I owned was nothing sort of riveting. I hope this outfit brings back memories of your childhood dress up days, just as it did me.